Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Luke 19:1-10 Zachaeus and Jesus

This story of Zachaeus seeking to see Jesus and Jesus seeking to save the lost is fascinating!  It is a unique story to Luke.  It is the only time that the Greek word is used that means "chief tax collector."  It follows right on the heals of Jesus healing the blind man as he approaches Jericho.  And, interestingly enough, Jesus heals a man who wants to SEE and also brings healing to a man who wants to SEE JESUS! 

Zachaeus is hated as a tax collector and considered a dreadful sinner.  [pretty funny that his name actually means pure or righteous!]  But, perhaps his parents set the stage for this ultimate healing, who knows?

Zachaeus humiliates himself by running ahead of the crowd and also by climbing a tree in a robe.  No one of his rank or stature runs or climbs a tree.  He must have been intent on SEEING Jesus. 

When Jesus stops the parade, looks up and calls him by name, he must have been shocked!  But, his response was appropriate.  He came down immediately and welcomed Jesus into his home.  Jesus said, "I must stay with you today!"  The word for stay with really means - abide!  I must abide with you!  Isn't that what Jesus wants to do with you and with me?  Just as it says in Rev 3:20, "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."  This brings up that famous image of the door with the door knob only on the inside.  Jesus stands and knocks, but can't open the door without it being opened from the inside. 

Then, when Jesus dines with Zachaeus, Zachaeus stands up and says, "Look Lord!  Here and now, I give half my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will repay back four times the amount."  Zachaeus went looking for Jesus, but found the Lord.  He was converted by the experience of looking, finding, having Jesus abide in his home and responding with his wealth and treasures.  Jesus said that Today Salvation has come to this house! 

One more very interesting and dynamic point!  Jesus called Zachaeus down from the tree, down from humility, down from a sinner's status to receive salvation.  And, yet only 10 or 11 days later, Jesus is lifted up on a tree, humiliated, hated, considered a sinner, to die so that we would share the name of Zachaeus - righteous and pure!  To God be all the glory, laud and honor!  Thank-you Lord Jesus for trading places with us!

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