Tuesday, April 30, 2013

John 5:1 - 9 The Healing at the Pool

This week, we're reflecting on the passage in John 5, the first 9 verses.  This healing of the sick man by the pool called Bethesda is the sign (or miracle) that follows the water turned to wine at Cana and the absentee healing of the royal's son in Capernaum.  It's fascinating, that this second visit to Jerusalem by Jesus, has Jesus turning the "mat laying" man upside down.  The command to "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk," has this man scampering up on his feet after a mere 38 years!  Also, I love the fact that this occurs near the Sheep Gate, which is the precise gate that Jesus exits Jerusalem on his way to the cross. 

It also struck us this week, that Jesus generally chooses the worst cases, the severe down-and-out folks to heal and change.  When God does a miracle, He usually stacks the odds against himself.  He does the seemingly impossible.  So, someone who has been an invalid for 38 years is one who has lost not only friends and family, but his dignity, perhaps his mind and probably his will to do something different.  It's quite fascinating that this command, this word of God has the "snap him out of it" response that it does.  But, then again, we know that the Word of God does not come back void.  When God speaks, things happen!  No different here.

The question that we wrestled with in Bible study is:  How are we stuck in routines, in "we've always done it this way before" mentalities, or even in "we have a good rationale why we can't do something."

We noted that the unnamed man did not answer Jesus' direct question, "Do you want to get well?"  He skirted the issue with an excuse for why he couldn't do it.  He was paralyzed in his imagination of other avenues or possibilities.

Finally, it was pointed out that this story like the whole story of the Bible is about Jesus Christ, His power, His authority, His life-giving Spirit!  Again and again, we note that when Jesus comes to give us hope, faith, freedom and love, we receive it and about in His grace and truth.  It is not about our faith, our will our might or anything about us.  It is all about the matchless, saving, wonderful grace of Jesus!  May that be true for you today!

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