Saturday, March 8, 2014

Matthew 4:1-11

We're now with Jesus in the wilderness.  He just celebrated a glorious moment in baptism, with the Spirit coming down like a dove and the voice of his Father saying "This is my Son, whom I love!" and then the Spirit leads Jesus into a 40 day wilderness ordeal.  Matthew's version doesn't indicate it, (except for the Greek wording for "being tempted," but Mark and Luke indicate that this testing was continuous for 40 days)   So, Jesus, the Son of God, comes into our world to experience it as we do, with continuous temptations and testing.  He comes to set things straight and to point to God, God's Word, and total reliance and trust.  He doesn't come as a model for us to live perfectly, but comes as our Savior to say to us, "simply follow me in my trust in God."  Follow me and I will give you my perfect passing grade for all the tests.  You can't possibly pass the testing, but you can put your hand in mine and allow me to rescue you from the wiles of the evil one.  The evil one does not have the final word.  God does.  Trust me in this and be free from your doubts, fears and anxieties.

When Christ points to the Written Word of God, he is, in an interesting way, pointing to Himself!  Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.  So, when he says, "It is written," he is saying rely on God's Word, God's Love, God's Son!  When we put our hand, faith and life in His hands, we are given eternal passing grades for the ultimate test in life.

And, that's GREAT news my friends!