Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Sunday according to Matthew 28

Matthew's account of the resurrection is interesting!  First, in Matthew 27, we are privy to the conversation of the Pharisees with Pilate, as they REMEMBER the words of Jesus about rising from the dead in 3 days.  They remember and respond to his words by posting guards at the tomb, so that the disciples can't create a grave robbing hoax and say that he is risen.  What's ironic, is THEY remember and the disciples and the women heading to the tomb, don't.  Matthew doesn't record it, but Mark says that the women were going with spices to anoint the body.  If they had remembered and believed Jesus, would they be going to anoint a dead body?

The other irony is that right outside the tomb are soldiers guarding it and when the earthquake occurs and the angel of the Lord comes down and rolls away the stone, the tough macho soldiers, shake (like the earthquake) and fall down like dead men.  So, inside the tomb where death is supposed to exist, it doesn't, and outside the tomb, the guys fall down, as dead.  It sort of fits the male image that there is no conversation between the angel and the soldiers.  But, there is a conversation between the dazzling white angel and the women.  So, God uses this event like a news flash - earthquake and telling the women.  That's enough to spread the news.  [you've heard of the television and the telephone to share news, but the most effective one is used here - tell-a-woman]

So, the women run with the news.  They run with news obtained by HEARING the words - he is risen and by SEEING and empty tomb.  So, they run by faith.  They run, the account says, with fear and great joy.  What a great  mixture of emotions.  Probably best related to if you've ever had a near miss in a traffic accident - only after you swerve or miss being clobbered does your heart pound out of your chest and you wipe the sweat from your brow in great joy that you weren't killed.  Fear and great joy.  Anyway, they run quickly to spread the news and then bump into Jesus!

When they encountered Jesus, they worshiped Him!  And, he repeated the words of the angel!  Do not be afraid!  Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee and meet me there.  So, friends, can we go tell the news?  Can we go in faith like these women, simply by hearing the news and seeing the evidence of lives changed by Jesus Christ?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Matthew 4:1-11

We're now with Jesus in the wilderness.  He just celebrated a glorious moment in baptism, with the Spirit coming down like a dove and the voice of his Father saying "This is my Son, whom I love!" and then the Spirit leads Jesus into a 40 day wilderness ordeal.  Matthew's version doesn't indicate it, (except for the Greek wording for "being tempted," but Mark and Luke indicate that this testing was continuous for 40 days)   So, Jesus, the Son of God, comes into our world to experience it as we do, with continuous temptations and testing.  He comes to set things straight and to point to God, God's Word, and total reliance and trust.  He doesn't come as a model for us to live perfectly, but comes as our Savior to say to us, "simply follow me in my trust in God."  Follow me and I will give you my perfect passing grade for all the tests.  You can't possibly pass the testing, but you can put your hand in mine and allow me to rescue you from the wiles of the evil one.  The evil one does not have the final word.  God does.  Trust me in this and be free from your doubts, fears and anxieties.

When Christ points to the Written Word of God, he is, in an interesting way, pointing to Himself!  Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.  So, when he says, "It is written," he is saying rely on God's Word, God's Love, God's Son!  When we put our hand, faith and life in His hands, we are given eternal passing grades for the ultimate test in life.

And, that's GREAT news my friends!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

John 1:6 - 18

For Jan 5, 2014, we're examining the Gospel of John's birth narrative.  It's a wonderful passage that refers back to Genesis (John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word...)  The verses we're examining speak of John the Baptist as a sign post, pointing to Jesus Christ!  The text says that John was sent by God to point to Jesus Christ.  What's funny about that is that, SO ARE WE!  If we take our real role seriously, we're not here to soak up food, drink and resources and then die.  We're here to point to the life that is REAL life - found in the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

The gospel reading tells the sad tale that Jesus, even though he made everything and everyone, came to earth and was rejected by us and by his own people, the Jews.  But, the good news, and there is always some very good news, is that God is proactive and always breaking in to our world with his grace.  So, we see in verses 12 - 13, that we are spiritually born by God, not by our own decision or someone else's decision.  God, over and over and over again is the actor and the Savior!  Thanks be to Almighty God! 

I'm also very struck by the verse 16 which in the Greek says, ".... we have all received grace upon grace."  In other words, the radical proactive saving, forgiving, enabling grace that God pours out just keeps coming.  It's like the widow's oil or the manna from heaven.  It just keeps coming from God, sustaining us and blessing us!  What a wonderful, loving, grace-filled God we serve.

When even a little of this sinks in, our only natural response is to fall on our knees in worship, thankfulness and adoration.  Let's share some of that in this New Year!