Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Matthew 1:18-25

Wonderful lectionary reading for Dec 22nd!

We're studying the man of few (or no) words, Joseph!  A man of great conviction, who, scripture tells us is righteous!  A man in the lineage of David, who follows the law and is considered a righteous man.  So, we see the great tension that he lives with as he takes time to stop and reflect on the problem that he faces - he is legally engaged to Mary and she becomes pregnant.  So, in his time of reflection, he considers his path forward - not the strict adherence to the law (Deut 22 type stuff of finding Mary guilty), but following the law of his heart - compassionately and quietly dismissing this and granting a divorce.  It is in this time of "heart strings reflection" that God intervenes with the news as to how this occurred!  God continues to be the primary actor, mover, shaker and maker.  Joseph and Mary simply respond to God's great acts. 

Let me make ONE GIANT leap........ How is God moving in your life today?  How are you responding, reflecting, and considering life from your "heart?"